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The Busch-Serkin duo live at the Library of Congress and other venues, 1939-1950
Edité par Codaex France - paru en 2010
- Mozart - son. for pf and vn in eb. k.380 (14:23)
- Mozart - son. for pf and vn k481 (12:17)
- Schubert - rondo for pj and vn d.985 (05:18)
- Brahms - son. for pf and vn nʿ3 in d., op.108 (19:22)
- J.s.bach - son. for vn and keybd nʿ3 in e bwv 1016 (14:23)
- Adolf busch - son nʿ2 in a op.56 (12:17)
- Schumann - son. for pf and vn nʿ2 in d op.121 (05:18)
- Beethoven - son for pf and vn in g op96 (14:23)
- Schumann - son. for pf and vn nʿ1 in a, op.105 (12:17)
- Schubert - son. for pf and vn in a d385 (05:18)
- J.s.bach - son. in g for solo violin bwv 1001 (19:22)
- Beethoven - son. for pf and vn in g op30 nʿ3 (14:23)
- Mozart - son. for p pf and vn nʿ3 in d op.108 (12:17)
- Schubert - fantasy in c sei mir gegrüsst! d934 (05:18)
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