Livre en langue étrangère

The thing around your neck

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie (1977-....). Auteur

Edité par Fourth Estate - paru en 2009

From the Orange Prize-winning author of ''Half of a Yellow Sun'' come twelve dazzling stories that turn a penetrating eye on the ties that bind men and women, parents and children, Nigeria and the West. In ''A Private Experience'', a medical student hides from a violent riot with a poor Muslim woman whose dignity and faith force her to confront the realities and fears she''s been pushing away. In ''Tomorrow Is Too Far'', a woman unlocks the devastating secret that surrounds her brother''s death. The young mother at the centre of ''Imitation'' finds her comfortable life threatened when she learns that her husband back in Lagos has moved his mistress into their home. And the title story depicts the choking loneliness of a Nigerian girl who moves to an America that turns out to be nothing like the country she expected; though falling in love brings her desires nearly within reach, a death in her homeland forces her to re-examine them. Searing and profound, suffused with beauty, sorrow and longing, this collection is a resounding confirmation of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie''s prodigious storytelling powers.

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Livre - 2001 - Passé parfait

Disponible à 75000 - Réserve centrale

Adultes Réserve centrale | Livre adulte | PAD | En rayon

Disponible à 75003 - Marguerite Audoux

Adultes | Livre adulte | POLICIER PAD | En rayon

Indisponible à 75012 - Hélène Berr

Adultes | Livre adulte | PAD | Indisponible

Retour prévu le 25/03/2025 à 75015 - Andrée Chedid

Adultes | Livre adulte | PAD | Retour prévu le 25/03/2025


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En savoir plus


Leonardo Padura, né Leonardo Padura Fuentes le 9 octobre 1955 à La Havane, est un journaliste, scénariste et écrivain cubain, auteur d'une dizaine de romans policiers et lauréat du prix Princesse des Asturies en 2015.