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Evan Parker (1944-....) - Steve Lacy (1934-2004) - Lol Coxhill (1932-2012)
Edité par FMP/Free Music - paru en 1994
The crawl. Backslash. Glanced. Broad brush.
Steve Lacy (1934-2004). Compositeur. Saxophone - Free Music Production - P1991
Evan Parker (1944-....) - Distrib. Night & Day - 1993
Conic section 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Evan Parker (1944-....) - ECM - 1997
Turbulent mirror. Field and figure. The generative landscape. Chain of chance. Trahütten. ...
Evan Parker (1944-....). Saxophone - Leo Records - 1997
For Ximenes. For Araucaria. For Bynthorne. For Afrit. For Dinmut. For Custos. For Rufus. F...
Evan Parker (1944-....) - Leo Records - 1998
Instant 1. Instant 2. Instant 3. Instant 4. Instant 5. Instant 6.
Evan Parker (1944-....) - Potlatch - 2000
Dark rag # 1. Dark rag 2.
Evan Parker (1944-....) - ECM - 2003
Joel Ryan. Instrument électronique - PSI - 2004
Variations on the music of Evan Parker : Two - cut ; Griot mix ; Throbdrone solo ; Shaker ...
Evan Parker (1944-....) - ECM - 2005
Shadow play. The eleventh hour : parts 1 - 5.
Evan Parker (1944-....). Compositeur. Saxophone - Creative Improvised Music Projects (CIMP) - P1997
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