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Ryuichi Sakamoto (1952-....)
Edité par PCM - paru en 1990
Ryuichi Sakamoto (1952-....) - Virgin - 1990
The sacred koran. The sheltering sky theme. Belly. Port's composition. On the bed (dream)....
Ryuichi Sakamoto (1952-....) - Island - 1992
Un ano de amor / Nino Ferrer, G. Verlor ; Luz Casal. Piensa en mi / Agustin Lara ; Luz Cas...
Ryuichi Sakamoto (1952-....) - CBS - 1987
Before long. Neo geo. Risky. Free trading. Shogunade. Parata. Okinawa song-Chin nuku juush...
Ryuichi Sakamoto (1952-....) - Distrib. BMG - 1993
Main theme. Opening titles. The first meeting. Raga kirvani. Nepalese caravan. Victory. Fa...
Ryuichi Sakamoto (1952-....) - Virgin - 1989
You Do Me. Calling from Tokyo. A Rose. Asadoya yunta. Futique. Amore. We Love You. Diabara...
Ryuichi Sakamoto (1952-....) - Distrib. Warner - 1994
Tokyo story. Moving on. Sentimental. Regret. Pounding at my heart. Love and hate. 7 second...
Ryuichi Sakamoto (1952-....) - Midi Inc - 1986
G.T. Ballet mecanique. Steppin' into Asia. Sleep on my baby. Gymnopédies. A tribute to N.J...
Ryuichi Sakamoto (1952-....) - EMI - 1983
Merry Christmas Mr Laurence. Batavia. Germination. A hearty breakfast. Before the war. The...
Ryuichi Sakamoto (1952-....) - BMG - 1995
Chenresie, flame and peace and compassion. Heart sutra. Ragam and tanam. Chant. Raga naiki...
Ryuichi Sakamoto (1952-....) - Kab America - 1996
A day a gorilla gives a banana. Rain. Bibo no Aozora. The last emperor. 1919. Merry Christ...
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